Would you like to know more about our offer? Feel free to contact us.

We will be happy to answer your questions and address your concerns. You are welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail, or to visit our sales office in person (by prior appointment).

Here, in a relaxed atmosphere, we will present you with the comprehensive offerings of our partners and provide expert advice on turnkey flat completion and the necessary credit formalities.

al. Jana Pawła II 12
00-124 Warszawa

poniedziałek – piątek 9:00 – 17:00

    By filling in this form and confirming the application with the "send" button, I consent to the processing of my personal data by PHN SA to the extent indicated in this form, for the purpose of processing the aforementioned enquiry. The consent may be withdrawn at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing undertaken on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal. I further agree to:

    Would you like to know more about our offer?
    Feel free to contact us.

    We will be happy to answer your questions and address your concerns. You are welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail, or to visit our sales office in person (by prior appointment).

    Here, in a relaxed atmosphere, we will present you with the comprehensive offerings of our partners and provide expert advice on turnkey flat completion and the necessary credit formalities.

    al. Jana Pawła II 12
    00-124 Warszawa

    poniedziałek – piątek 9:00 – 17:00

      By filling in this form and confirming the application with the "send" button, I consent to the processing of my personal data by PHN SA to the extent indicated in this form, for the purpose of processing the aforementioned enquiry. The consent may be withdrawn at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing undertaken on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal. I further agree to: